The classic Negroni cocktail originated in Italy and is popular for its robust yet harmonious bittersweet flavors. Made with equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari, this crimson cocktail has the ideal balance of bitter, sweet, and herbal flavors. It’s timeless drink that’s simple to make at home—ideal for an aperitivo hour or as a sophisticated sipper.
Tequila Negroni recipe
Dear Jane
Aperol Negroni
The Cardinale
White Negroni (Negroni Bianco)
Coffee Negroni
Oaxacan Negroni
Frozen Negroni
Cynar Negroni
Spicy Negroni
Top Vermouths for Negroni: Find Your Perfect Match
The Negroni cocktail has been winning hearts globally for over a century, becoming a cherished classic the world over. Choosing the best vermouth for Negroni recipes is key to crafting this aperitivo clinker to perfection. In this guide, we’ll explore the captivating world of vermouth, helping you to stir up a Negroni that’s always on […]
Negroni Week (2024): The Ultimate Guide
Since its inception in 2013, Negroni Week has transformed from a cocktail celebration with a charitable cause to a global movement for the greater good. It started small with just 120 participating venues, but over the years, hundreds turned into thousands, and now bars and restaurants celebrate the week globally. While the movement has boomed […]
8 Best Types of Gin for Your Favourite Negroni
Choosing the best gin for a Negroni sets the scene for a classic cocktail with perfect balance and gorgeous flavour. The Negroni is a beloved Italian aperitif made with gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, renowned for its singular blend of bitter, sweet, and botanical notes. In this article, we explore different types of gin that […]
The Complete History of the Negroni
The history of the Negroni stretches back over a hundred years. Its origins are steeped in Italian elegance and one man’s thirst for a bolder, more spirituous cocktail. At its core, it’s just a simple three-ingredient cocktail, but that hasn’t stopped it from crossing continents, changing cocktail culture, and capturing the collective imagination of the […]
Best Negroni Variations: Discover New Flavours & Expert Tips
The Negroni is an iconic Italian cocktail that traces its roots back to Florence in 1919. Legend has it that Count Camillo Negroni requested a stronger version of his favourite Americano, leading to the creation of this classic clinker. A traditional Negroni is a balanced blend of gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth, stirred together and […]