French Rose Cocktail

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Cocktail Type


Great for

Dinner Party



French Rose Cocktail

The French Rose cocktail is one of those drinks that should be on the radar of any newbie home entertainer. The great thing about this three-ingredient cocktail is that it tastes exceptional, but takes very little effort to make. In fact, there are only two steps to its assembly, so it’s great to serve when you want to spend the better part of the evening catching up with your friends. 

French Rose cocktail recipe

Here’s the simple ingredient list and steps you need to follow to make this French drink recipe:  



Vodka or white rum can be substituted for gin


Place your cocktail glasses in the freezer 20 minutes before serving


A mason jar is an easy swap for a cocktail shaker



1 Person

45 Ml

1.5 Oz

1.5 Parts

15 Ml

0.5 Oz

0.5 Parts

15 Ml

0.5 Oz

0.5 Parts

cherry brandy 



Stir all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice


Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve

Recipe variations and substitutions

If you want to use this French cocktail recipe to inspire your own, or simply don’t have one of the ingredients on hand, we’ve got you covered. Here are some substitutions you can try, per ingredient:  

Gin. Vodka or white rum can be substituted for gin. Just make sure to taste the drink beforehand to see if you want to make any additions to balance out the flavour profile. For instance, vodka does not have the same herbaceous notes as gin, so you might want to add a sprig of thyme or mint to the drink to recreate it.  

Dry vermouth. Dry white wine and sake are often used as substitutions for dry vermouth. Dry sherry and white port can also be used in its stead. 

Cherry brandy. Cherry brandy has quite a distinctive taste and plays a pivotal role in the taste and assembly of the French Rose cocktail. However, if you don’t like the taste, you can swap it out for regular brandy, whisky, or bourbon. This will however make the drink far less sweet, so you may want to consider adding sugar syrup if you don’t want to lose the sweet note completely.  


Famous French cocktails include the Boulevardier, Kir Royale, and French Gimlet.  

While France does not have an official cocktail per se, there are a few iconic drinks that are undeniably French. Pastis is anise or liquorice flavoured liqueur native to the South of France. This liqueur can be enjoyed pure but is most often diluted with water before serving. The French are also partial to a Kir Royale, which combines champagne and crème de cassis.

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