
Make the Best Shrub Cocktails to Impress Your Friends

December 01, 2022 by

Cocktails are garnished with crazy ingredients these days (we’re looking at you Bloody Mary), but fortunately, the shrub cocktail contains no actual garden cuttings. What it does have though is a delicious syrup of sugar, fruit, and vinegar. A shrub is basically a drinking vinegar that’s used to add flavor and complexity to cocktails. It’s the perfect example of old-school ingenuity resurfacing in the modern age of shrub cocktail making. Join us for a short trip back in time as we learn more about the cocktail shrub, how to make one, and when to use it.  

What’s a shrub?

Mixed berries in a jar

17th-century England had a lot going on during the industrial revolution, but the one thing they hadn’t cracked yet was refrigeration. This meant that fresh fruits and veggies had a relatively short shelf life unless they were preserved or pickled. Fruit was often the first to spoil but the invention of the shrub changed everything.   

Overripe fruit was macerated with sugar then mixed with vinegar to form a syrup. The antibacterial qualities and preserving power of vinegar meant the shrub would keep for months. It was all the goodness of fruit captured in vinegar syrup that could be mixed with water to create a refreshing beverage.   

At its core, a shrub is a mixture of equal parts fruit, sugar, and vinegar which can either be made with or without heat. The cold method takes a few days but it’s easier on the fruit and some say yields a better flavor. The hot method is faster, but you sacrifice some of the brightness of the fruit flavor. If you want fresh flavors then go for the cold method. If you want a jammy or caramelized flavor profile, then opt for the hot.   

Once the process is complete, the mixture is strained into a sterilized glass jar then sealed and refrigerated. Shrubs also get better over time in the fridge so don’t be afraid to age them.   

Choosing a vinegar & sugar

Apple cider vinegar

Like any recipe, the quality of your ingredients determines the quality of the finished product. Shrubs are no different—so use good-quality vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a great starting point but as you progress, feel free to experiment with different kinds of vinegar. Red wine vinegar has a punchy bite that works brilliantly with stone fruit or berries. White balsamic vinegar is great too but regular balsamic vinegar can be overpowering, so be careful.   

White sugar is a dependable option that will always give good results. If you’re feeling a little more adventurous, then dive into the world of dark sugars like turbinado or demerara. The rich caramel flavor of these sugars is excellent with apples or stone fruits. If you plan ahead, you can craft your shrub recipe to pair with the spirit in your cocktail. Imagine a cinnamon apple shrub made with turbinado sugar in a dark rum cocktail. Hmmm, hmmm *chef’s kiss.   

Making the syrup

Berry Shrub Syrup

Our syrup recipe uses the cold method and it’s  super simple. It does take a few days so plan accordingly. This is a basic recipe and once you’ve mastered it, you can add flourishes of fresh herbs or spices to create your signature cocktail shrub recipeTo make a bigger batch you simply multiply the ingredients to suit your needs. 


  • 1 Cup mixed berries, roughly chopped and crushed 
  • 1 Cup white sugar
  • 1 Cup apple cider vinegar  


  1. Add the berries and sugar to a bowl with a lid and mix well to combine. Cover and place in the fridge for 24-48 hours. Stir 2-3 times over that period 
  2. Strain the fruit through a fine mesh strainer into a sterilized glass jar and press lightly on the fruit to extract maximum juice. Save the fruit pulp for a smoothie   
  3. Pour in the vinegar and stir with a sterilized spoon  
  4. Seal and place in the fridge for 2 days to infuse before tasting. Shake it up periodically to dissolve any residual sugar 

Making a shrub drink

Two Shrub cocktails with blackberries

Now that you’ve got your shrub syrup, mixing up a tasty beverage is as easy as stirring 1-2 oz of syrup into a glass of club soda with ice. Garnish it with a few fresh berries and you’ve got yourself a thirst-quenching drink fit for 17th-century English royalty.   

Using a shrub in cocktails

Two strawberry Shrub cocktails

A Shrub cocktail is all about finding the perfect balance of flavors and this takes a little practice. The best method is to go by taste, but 1 oz is usually a good starting point. Shrubs are great in cocktails with lots of ice which will mellow the flavors over time. One thing to remember is that shrubs and citrus juice together can be overly acidic, so go easy on the citrus.   

A simple recipe to play around with is 1 oz shrub, 2 oz spirit, and 3 oz club soda. Once you’ve got that down then try adding a dash of bitters or a liqueur. If you think it needs a touch more sweetness, then add some simple syrup. The shrub cocktail is your playground so go wild.   

You also might like: The Fascinating History of the Highball Cocktail 

Some shrub cocktails to explore

1. Berry Shrub: Our recipe above is your key to success for a tasty Berry Shrub cocktail. Mix it with your favorite spirit, a dash of bitters, and top it up with club soda.  

2. Strawberry Shrub: For a summery Strawberry Shrub cocktail, try a simple mix of strawberry shrub, gin, and club soda.   

3. Island Oasis: The Island Oasis is a riff on the Mai Tai made famous by bartender and cocktail educator, Jena Ellenwood. It uses topical pineapple Shrub and coconut water to create an ultra-refreshing cocktail.  

4. Peach & Pineau Shrub: The Peach & Pineau Shrub is a staple at London’s Trailer Happiness bar, and it’s made from aperitif wine vinegar and fresh peaches.   

5. Bourbon Apple Cider Shrub: Sweet and spicy with a long oaky finish, the Bourbon Apple Cider Shrub is perfect for the colder months.   


A shrub is a fruit vinegar syrup that’s used in cocktails to add depth and complexity.

The best way to incorporate a new shrub in cocktails is to add a little at a time and taste as you go. The flavors of the cocktail need to be balanced so that no one flavor dominates the cocktail. Just remember to go easy on the citrus juice because the acid in the shrub and juice will overpower the cocktail.

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits and is good for gut health. However, shrubs are made with sugar, so if you are avoiding sugar then best avoid shrubs.

We’ve opted for the cold method in this recipe but that doesn’t mean that it is the best method. Ultimately it comes down to time. If you have time on your hands, then we’d suggest the cold method. If you are pressed for time, then go for the hot method. Both will yield great results but if you are interested in testing the difference in flavor then make a batch of each.

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